• ナノ工学電極により微生物燃料電池の効率が大幅に向上

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  • New Science and Technology Graduate School Opens in Okinawa

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    500 people packed into the new auditorium at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) on 6 September to celebrate th...

  • New Science and Technology Graduate School Opens in Okinawa

    | 作成日

    500 people packed into the new auditorium at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) on 6 September to celebrate th...

  • 沖縄科学技術大学院大学博士課程の開設

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  • The Team Behind the Genomes

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    In July OIST’s DNA sequencing section (SQC), which had been located 45 minutes away in Uruma, moved to the main campus’ Center Building in Onna. T...

  • OISTのゲノム解読を支えるチーム

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  • The Team Behind the Genomes

    | 作成日

    In July OIST’s DNA sequencing section (SQC), which had been located 45 minutes away in Uruma, moved to the main campus’ Center Building in Onna. T...

  • OISTのゲノム解読を支えるチーム

    | 作成日


  • OISTヴィレッジセンターの実現


  • It Takes a Village

    Though landscaping will continue for another month, the inside of the Village Center is ready to go, and students and researchers have already moved i...