• Registration for online get together

    | 作成日

    On July 29th the OIST Graduate School will hold an online get together between current students at OIST and incoming PhD students who join OIST in Sep...

  • 202208-oist-cafe-test

    | 作成日

    Online OIST NetCafé (オンライン大学院説明会) 8月26日(金) 17:00PM – 18:30PM(JST) このセッションは英語で行われます...

  • 202208-oist-cafe-test

    | 作成日

    Online OIST NetCafé (Information Session) August 26,2022 (FRI) 5:00PM – 6:30PM(JST) This session will be done in English. The program will start...

  • Flight arrangement

    | 作成日

      Please note that: we will NOT ask for your confirmation of your flight itinerary unless we have to consider special circumstances (e.g. you...

  • List of Courses

    | 作成日

    @import url("https://cdn.datatables.net/1.11.3/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css"); $(document).ready(function () { $('#courses').DataTab...

  • SKY Labo x OIST: STEAM & Design Thinking Workshop 2022

    | 作成日

    ワークショップ概要 SKY Labo x OIST: STEAM & Design Thinking Workshop は、ユーザーの視点に寄り添って課題やニーズ...

  • SKY Labo x OIST: STEAM & Design Thinking Workshop 2022

    | 作成日

    Workshop Overview At this workshop, participants will learn and practice “Design Thinking”. From interviewing people to pitching an idea, our w...

  • New Student Orientation Feedback

    | 作成日

    Thank you for attending the new student orientation sessions. We hope you learned the tips for your successful PhD journey and healthy life in ...

  • OIST PhD Graduates

    | 作成日

    Theses are published in the OIST Institutional Repository and are available online. Graduated in AY2024 (Total as of January 2025: 11) Tai Duong A...