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On October 16 and 17, 2024, the 10th RMAN-J Annual Conference, hosted by the Research Manager and Administrator Network Japan (RMAN-J), was held at th...
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Recent publications by unit members: Rydberg EIT based laser lock to Zeeman sublevels with 0.6 GHz scanning range. A Vylegzhanin, ...
Active control of plasmonic-photonic interactions in a microbubble cavity. F Pan, K Karlsson, A Nixon, L Hogan, J Ward, K Smith, D Mas...
Direction-dependent coupling between a nanofiber-guided light field and a two-level atom with an electric quadrupole transition. F Le Kien, S Nic...
Interaction of two Rydberg atoms in the vicinity of an optical nanofibre. E Stourm, M Lepers, J Robert, S Nic Chormaic, K Mølmer...
Cold atoms in space: Community workshop summary and proposed road-map. I Alonso et al. [RK Gupta]. EPJ Quantum Technol. 9, 30 (2022) ...
Evanescent field trapping and propulsion of Janus particles along optical nanofibers. G Tkachenko, VG Truong, CL Esporlas, I Sanskriti and S Nic ...