• Introduction to Quantum Cryptography

    | 作成日

    In this course we will study the most important cryptographic primitives such as key distribution, secure multi party computation, oblivious informati...

  • Microbial and Ecosystem Ecology Unit

    | 作成日

    The Microbial and Ecosystem Ecology Unit focuses on understanding how environmental changes, such as land use and climate change, affect terrestrial m...

  • 微生物・生態系生態学ユニット

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  • 龍見 史恵

    | 作成日

    Chikae is a microbial and ecosystem ecologist who is interested in the impacts of environmental changes, such as land use and climate changes, on soil...

  • Chikae Tatsumi

    | 作成日

    Chikae is a microbial and ecosystem ecologist who is interested in the impacts of environmental changes, such as land use and climate changes, on soil...

  • 海洋物理・工学ユニット

    | 作成日

    海洋物理・工学ユニット The Marine Physics and Engineering Unit explores the physical modeling and prediction of ocean dynamics, such as ...

  • Marine Physics and Engineering Unit

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    The Marine Physics and Engineering Unit explores the physical modeling and prediction of ocean dynamics, such as wind waves, currents, circulations, m...

  • Amin Chabchoub

    | 作成日

    Associate Professor and PI of the Marine Physics and Engineering Unit. Amin CHABCHOUB received his PhD from Hamburg University of Technology and holds...

  • Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport

    | 作成日

    The unit of Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport reveals dynamical and transport phenomena in various forms of quantum matter, from quantum and t...

  • Shu Zhang

    | 作成日

    Assistant Professor (Transitional) of the Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport Unit. Shu’s research reveals dynamical and transport phenomena i...

453 件見つかりました