• Receptors: It Takes a Dimer to Bind

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    Our article about Prof. Maruyama's revolutionary "rotation model" has been picked up by overseas media. See the article or look at the press coverage ...

  • Mysteries of Bony Fish Genome Evolution

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    Our new press release "Mysteries of Bony Fish Genome Evolution" has been covered by domestic and overseas media: Phys.Org  Science Codex...

  • Cooking Up Altered States

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    The July 30th article "Cooking Up Altered States", about the Bandi publication in Soft Matter, is in the news: ScienceNewsline Biology ...

  • Science Magazine says OIST 'punches above its weight' with foreign media coverage

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    Check out the Science Magazine article about Japanese science communication that highlights how OIST is leading the charge. ...

  • First Cephalopod Genome Decoded

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    英科学誌ネイチャーの表紙を飾った タコのゲノム解読に関する研究論文は、OIST分子遺伝学ユニットがシカゴ大...

  • Laser Ablation Boosts Terahertz Emission

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    A new article about research by the Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit (Prof. Keshav Dani) has been picked up by overseas media. See the article or look at...

  • Coverage on OIST "How the Ant Queen Gets Her Crown" Research

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    OIST's story, "How the Ant Queen Gets Her Crown: Uncovering the Evolution of Queen-Worker Differences" has been covered in the following media outlets...

  • Picking up the Phonebook Story

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    The genomics research story about decoding DNA's phonebook has been picked up by local and overseas media, including: Okinawa Times FRONT PAGE of Pri...

  • Nano-policing Pollution with Nanowire

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    Latest research from the Sowwan Unit, about gas sensing using nanowires has been covered by the following overseas media outlets: Nanowerk ...

  • Culturing the Connectome

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    Article on joint research by the Brain Mechanism for Behaviour Unit, Neurobiology Research Unit and Physics and Biology Unit has been picked up by the...