• Reboot Japan: The nation of science and technology - OIST FORUM 2021

    | 作成日

    In the past, Japan has strongly focused on scientific research and technological developments by recognizing the benefits that both bring to society. ...

  • 生命の本を読む

    | 作成日


  • Reading the book of life

    To a biologist who lived a few centuries ago, the biological world may have seemed confusingly diverse. Other than the fact of being alive, what did b...

  • 生命の本を読む

    | 作成日


  • Reading the book of life

    | 作成日

    To a biologist who lived a few centuries ago, the biological world may have seemed confusingly diverse. Other than the fact of being alive, what did b...

  • タコの秘密に迫る

    | 作成日


  • Uncovering the secrets of the octopus

    | 作成日

    What can scientists learn when they investigate the brain activity behind the behavior of living creatures? Take, for example, coleoid cephalopods, a ...

  • OIST Welcomes Dr. Takao Toda as Chief Operating Officer

    | 作成日

    The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) has welcomed Dr. Takao Toda as the Chief Operating Officer. Dr. Tod...

  • OIST最高執行責任者に戸田隆夫博士が就任

    | 作成日

    沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)はこの度、最高執行責任者(COO)として戸田隆夫博士を迎えました。 戸田博士...

  • Uncovering the secrets of the octopus

    | 作成日

    What can scientists learn when they investigate the brain activity behind the behavior of living creatures? Take, for example, coleoid cephalopods, a ...

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