• 暗闇で光る材料に光を当てる


  • Casting light on glow-in-the-dark materials

    We're all probably familiar with light-emitting numbers on alarm clocks and the fluorescence of emergency signs. These glow-in-the-dark features have ...

  • 暗闇で光る材料に光を当てる

    | 作成日


  • Casting light on glow-in-the-dark materials

    | 作成日

    We're all probably familiar with light-emitting numbers on alarm clocks and the fluorescence of emergency signs. These glow-in-the-dark features have ...

  • Study finds ‘dark matter’ DNA is vital for rice reproduction

    | 作成日

    Researchers from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have shed light on the reproductive role of ‘dark matter...

  • 「未知のゲノム領域」が支えるお米の生殖

    | 作成日

    【科学技術振興機構(JST)との共同プレスリリース】 沖縄科学技術大学院大学 (OIST) サイエンス・テクノロジ...

  • 「しわ」の物理学を解明

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  • Scientists iron out the physics of wrinkling

    | 作成日

    When we think of wrinkles, we usually envision the lines etched into our skin, for some an unwelcome reality and for others a proud sign of a life wel...

  • Scientists iron out the physics of wrinkling

    | 作成日

    When we think of wrinkles, we usually envision the lines etched into our skin, for some an unwelcome reality and for others a proud sign of a life wel...

  • 「しわ」の物理学を解明

    | 作成日


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