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OIST Ph.D. student Agneesh Barua and Prof. Alexander Mikheyev used data from over 50 different snake species to reconstruct the evolutionary history o...
Professor Qi released a new paper in Nature Energy outlining an improvement to perovskite solar technology using new encapsulation methods | 「自己...
New OIST study confirms that increased sensitivity to punishment is consistent across cultures | ADHD - 罰に対する高い感受性を日本の子...
A new paper explored 'healthspan' in the roundworm C. elegans | 健康寿命に関わる遺伝子が明らかに | 線虫の成虫において、あ...
Prof. Fabian Pauly was lead theorist on a study published in Nature on July 17, 2018 | 一個の分子を通る熱流を測る | 研究者らは単一...