• Evolution, Cell Biology, and Symbiosis Unit (Filip Husnik)

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    Research Interests Three connecting themes that run through all aspects of our research are evolution, cell biology, and symbiosis. We are particular...

  • 膜協同性ユニット

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  • Membrane Cooperativity Unit

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    The Membrane Cooperativity Unit strives to understand how cellular plasma membranes work at very fundamental levels. For this purpose, the unit is ded...

  • Computational Neuroethology Unit

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    The Computational Neuroethology Unit seeks to uncover the principles governing animal behavior and its neural basis. To achieve this goal, the unit co...

  • 計算行動神経科学ユニット

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  • Gravity, Quantum Geometry and Field Theory Unit

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    The Gravity, Quantum Geometry and Field Theory Unit’s research interest lies in revealing the quantum nature of spacetime. Geometrical aspects of gr...

  • 重力、量子幾何と場の理論ユニット

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  • Quantum Information Security Unit

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    We study the ultimate physical limits of privacy. We are interested in both fundamental and technological aspects of information security. Can we prot...

  • Optical Neuroimaging Unit

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    How are sensory stimuli from the outside world processed in the brain? How do the sensory neuronal signals interact with the persistent brain activity...