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外部主催イベントです。お問い合わせは主催側までお願いいたします。 詳細はイベントウェブサイトをご�...
This is an externally organized event. For more information please go the conference website. See flyer for details ...
計算数理工学シンポジウム2023 (JASCOME Symposium 2023) 外部主催イベントです。お問い合わせは主催側までお願いい�...
JASCOME Symposium 2023 This is an externally organized event. For more information please go the conference website. ...
Speaker Karol Gietka Postdoc University of Innsbruck, Austria Abstract In the talk I will present two ways of improving quantum critical metrolog...
If you plan and facilitate events for diverse audiences, you may encounter unexpected situations and challenges that are difficult to navigate at the ...
Title: Ecology and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens Abstract: Antibiotic resistance has emerged as a serious threat to pub...
[Abstract] This workshop, jointly hosted by RIKEN Pioneering Projects "Prediction for Science" and OIST, aims to foster interdisciplinary col...
Zoom: Meeting ID: 946 8061 9697 Passcode: 482744 Speaker: Dr. Sharon Yixuan Li, Assistant Profess...
Title: Rational homotopy theory and computation of cohomology Abstract: In algebraic topology, topological spaces are studied via invariants such ...