• 伸びて輝け:光る新素材を開発

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  • 伸びて輝け:光る新素材を開発

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  • “Twist and Shine”: Development of a New Photoluminescent Sensor Material

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    Stress sensors are important tools when it comes to evaluating the robustness of a material facing strong mechanical forces. OIST researchers have jus...

  • 第4研究棟着工

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  • Lab 4 Groundbreaking Ceremony

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    OIST is only at the beginning of an ambitious expansion program, aspiring to reach one hundred Faculty Research Units by 2022. To accommodate the new ...

  • Lab 4 Groundbreaking Ceremony

    | 作成日

    OIST is only at the beginning of an ambitious expansion program, aspiring to reach one hundred Faculty Research Units by 2022. To accommodate the new ...

  • 第4研究棟着工

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  • Into the DNA of a Coral Reef Predator

    The Crown-of-Thorns Starfish - or COTS - is a familiar sight for scuba divers in tropical waters: the starfish, resembling the biblical that gave it i...

  • オニヒトデのゲノム解読

    | 作成日

       研究成果のポイント 沖縄とオーストラリア・グレートバリアリーフの二箇所から、サンゴを食い荒...

  • Fish Eyes to Help Understand Human Inherited Blindness

    | 作成日

    Newborns babies can be at risk of congenital blindness, presenting sight defects due to lesions or to genetic mutations in their genome. Among the lat...

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