• Start the year with OIST Newsletter Volume 13!

    | 作成日

    The latest issue of OIST News, Issue No. 13, published December 20th, 2011, is available for download! It highlights the OIST Inauguration, Mexican m...

  • 新年を最新のOISTニュースレターで始めよう!

    | 作成日

     第13号OISTニュース(平成23年12月20日発行)を発行しました!    今号は、沖縄科学技術大学院大学創立...

  • 21世紀の新しい研究系大学

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  • A New 21st Century Research University

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    The Inauguration’s keynote speaker Dr. Charles Vest, President of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, gave an inspiring speech based on his ex...

  • Scenes from the OIST Inauguration

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    On November 19, 2011, The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University held its Inauguration Ceremony. 400 dignitaries from Okinawa...

  • OIST創立記念式典スライドショー

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  • 24万人が来場:沖縄の産業まつりにOISTが出展しました

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  • OIST booth at Okinawa Industry Festival 2011

    | 作成日

      From October 21 to 23, the 35th annual Okinawa industrial festival, took place at Oonoyama Park in downtown Naha. The theme this year was,...

  • Live & New

    | 作成日

    The buzzword around OIST is NEW, new buildings coming up, new name, new logo, new website and now a new OIST Facebook page. On 1st November 2011, OIST...

  • OISTフェイスブック

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