• Entomology Training conducted at the University of the Ryukyus (July 2021)

    We were invited again this year to conduct entomology training for undergraduates at the University of the Ryukyus, which has recently become an annua...

  • 今年も琉大昆虫学実習へ行ってきました(2021/07)


  • Makoto Yamada

    | 作成日

    .detailRank { font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;padding:5px 0px 5px 0px; } .detailName { font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em; } .detailEmail { col...

  • FY2023 Annual Report

    | 作成日

    Machine Learning and Data Science Unit Associate Professor Makoto Yamada MLSS2024 Abstract This year, we have focused on establishi...

  • FY2021 Annual Report

    | 作成日

    Neurobiology Research Unit Professor Jeff Wickens Ocean view from OIST campus, 2022, June After rainfaill season Abstract The g...

  • Activities Fair and Art Market: Friday, July 22 | 4-7pm

    | 作成日

    Join the OIST community for a fun evening socializing outdoors, exploring a few food trucks, touring the Art Market and locating what community acti...

  • Short-Stay Accommodation Guide for Guest

    | 作成日

    Important Notice Smoking is prohibited throughout the campus, including residential areas, except in Designated Smoking Area Do not take out tra...

  • The Command Line - an Introduction to Bash

    | 作成日

    Most of your interaction with our HPC resources is through the terminal command line, or shell. You're likely used to applications with nice graphical...

  • 2022年度沖縄科学技術大学院大学インターンシッププログラム

    | 作成日

    プログラム概要 この夏、OIST広報ディビジョンでは、琉球大学の学生(大学院含む)に対し、2週間のインター...

  • SNACK: Kinako-Fu

    きなこ麩 材料: 焼き麩 はちみつ きなこ 塩 一口大サイズの焼き麩に、その他の材料をまんべんなくまぶし...