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国際シンポジウム 「沖縄における知的・産業クラスターの形成を目指して」 ~自立型経済の実現に向けた沖...
International Symposium: Towards the Development of an R&D Cluster in Okinawa -- Strategies for OIST and Okinawa to Develop a Self-Sustain...
Opening of Symposium On October 6, 2010, the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Promotion Corporation (OIST P.C.) held an international sy...
シンポジウムの開会 去る10月6日、沖縄科学技術研究基盤整備機構(OIST)は、「沖縄における知的・産...
BOG Co-Chair Dr. Akito Arima receives the Order of Culture On November 3, 2010, Dr. Akito Arima, Former President of the University of Tokyo,...
OIST運営委員 有馬朗人博士が文化勲章を受章 OIST運営委員会共同議長の有馬朗人博士(元東京大学総...
We are no longer accepting submissions to the contest. Winners will be contacted by the end of February, 2011. Introduction In 2012, OIST plans to...