• Delving into the Spread of Marine Life

    | 作成日

    A paper by Dr. Masako Nakamura of the OIST Marine Biophysics Unit on the ecology of a deep-sea limpet called Lepetodrilus nuxon has been pub...

  • 海洋における生命拡散のメカニズムを追う

    | 作成日

     OIST海洋生態物理学ユニットの中村雅子研究員による深海性カサガイの一種、キノミフネカサガイ(Lepetodrilus n...

  • Woman Technicians at OIST

    | 作成日

    In approximately 50 research units at OIST, 110 technicians contribute to advance the research.  Their tasks vary from analyzing great quantities...

  • OISTの女性技術員

    | 作成日


  • Woman Technicians at OIST

    | 作成日

    In approximately 50 research units at OIST, 110 technicians contribute to advance the research.  Their tasks vary from analyzing great quantities...

  • OISTの女性技術員

    | 作成日


  • Seeking the Causes of Hyperactivity

    | 作成日

    The 60 trillion cells that comprise our bodies communicate constantly.  Information travels when chemical compounds released by some cells are re...

  • 多動性障害のメカニズム解明に挑む

    | 作成日


  • Seeking the Causes of Hyperactivity

    | 作成日

    The 60 trillion cells that comprise our bodies communicate constantly.  Information travels when chemical compounds released by some cells are re...

  • “Why Science?” –科学への情熱を語ろう!

    | 作成日

       3月18日から19日の2日間にわたり、OISTキャンパスにおいて、“Why Science?” と題したビデオコンテストが開...