• Tracking Japan’s Tsunami Debris

    On October 25, the International Workshop on Marine Debris, Environmental Monitoring, and Disaster Mitigation took place at OIST. This public event wa...

  • 津波漂流物の行く先は?

     10月24〜25日にかけて、国際連合環境計画(UNEP)が進める北西太平洋地域海行動計画(North-West Pacific Action Plan...

  • Tracking Japan’s Tsunami Debris

    On October 25, the International Workshop on Marine Debris, Environmental Monitoring, and Disaster Mitigation took place at OIST. This public event wa...

  • "STEPping" Deeper into the Brain

    | 作成日

    Neurons in the brain communicate with each other both chemically and electrically: chemical communication can lead to strengthening or weakening of co...

  • "STEPS"で脳の謎に切り込む

    | 作成日


  • "STEPping" Deeper into the Brain

    | 作成日

    Neurons in the brain communicate with each other both chemically and electrically: chemical communication can lead to strengthening or weakening of co...

  • 名前に込められた思い

    | 作成日


  • What's in a Name

    The friendship between OIST and the University of the Ryukyus just got a little boost.  In a recent paper published in the academic journal ZooKe...

  • What's in a Name

    | 作成日

    The friendship between OIST and the University of the Ryukyus just got a little boost.  In a recent paper published in the academic journal ZooKe...

  • 名前に込められた思い

    | 作成日


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