• Winter Arrives at OIST with Concert

    | 作成日

    It shows great talent when a classical ensemble can start together in perfect harmony without the guidance of a conductor. On Saturday, December 22nd,...

  • OISTに冬到来~コンサートの音色と共に

    | 作成日


  • Winter Arrives at OIST with Concert

    | 作成日

    It shows great talent when a classical ensemble can start together in perfect harmony without the guidance of a conductor. On Saturday, December 22nd,...

  • Link Found Between Eddies and Drag

    | 作成日

    When a fluid flows through a pipe or down the bed of a river at high velocities, it forms whirlpools and becomes turbulent. These whirlpools, known as...

  • 渦と摩擦抗力をつなぐ「ミッシングリンク」を発見

    | 作成日


  • Link Found Between Eddies and Drag

    | 作成日

    When a fluid flows through a pipe or down the bed of a river at high velocities, it forms whirlpools and becomes turbulent. These whirlpools, known as...

  • 渦と摩擦抗力をつなぐ「ミッシングリンク」を発見

    | 作成日


  • グローバルな視野と地域への貢献

    | 作成日


  • Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

    | 作成日

    While conducting research for the global stage is one of OIST’s main objectives, giving back to the local Okinawan community is equally important to...

  • グローバルな視野と地域への貢献

    | 作成日


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