• Publications

    | 作成日

    2024 Z. Liu, E. De Schutter, Y. Li: GABA-induced seizure like events caused by multi-ionic interactive dynamics. eNeuro in press. G. Cirtala and E. ...

  • Abstracts

    | 作成日

    Note: Markus Müller's talk on Wednesday was cancelled. Talks Alice Bernamonti (Florence University) Title: Complexity with angular momentum Abstr...

  • Publication List

    | 作成日

    top Original Papers  Review Articles Original Papers h3#test { color: #dc143c; } 2022 105 A. J. M. Wollman, C. Fournier,...

  • The Future of Oceans In An Era of Climate Change [Webinar]

    | 作成日

    OIST Foundation Presents: The Future of Climate U.S.-Japan Dialogue Series Webinar#2: The Future of Oceans In an Era of Climate Chang...

  • Outcomes

    | 作成日

    Acknowledgements Please list TSVP/OIST as one of your affiliations when publishing about research (partially) conducted during your visit. Please al...

  • Postdoctoral position

    | 作成日

    Postdoctoral position in Marine Genomics Positions summary: Anthropogenic activities are leading to global Climate Change at an unprecedented rate. ...

  • The Future of Biodiversity in the Pacific Region: Conserving a Threatened Island World [webinar]

    | 作成日

    OIST Foundation Presents: THE FUTURE OF CLIMATE U.S.-Japan Dialogue Series Webinar#1: THE FUTURE OF BIODIVERSITY IN THE PACIFIC ...

  • 保育理念・保育方針

    | 作成日

    保育理念・保育方針 保育理念 - ミッションステートメント CDC は、OIST コミュニティと協働し、心身ともに健...

  • CDCについて

    | 作成日

    CDCのなりたち OISTは、その設立当初より、OIST職員と学生の子どもたちの教育環境開発の一環として、キャンパ...

  • 園長・スタッフ紹介

    | 作成日

    園長・スタッフ紹介   CDC園長 Julia Nabholz (ジュリア・ナブホズ) Email: julia.nabholz@oist.jp 米国ウェ...