• Class of 2019 Student Admissions

    | 作成日

      Applicants Offered Students Accepted Students % of women Age 1540 79 52 38% 21-39 (Ave 25.7) ...

  • Student Evaluation of Teaching

    | 作成日

    All students should complete the survey before the end of term, before grades are allocated.  Faculty only receive the survey results afte...

  • List of Courses by Term (now moved)

    | 作成日

    table{ border-collapse:collapse; width: auto; table-layout: fixed; } tr:hover{ cursor: default; background: #dcdcdc; } td,th{ padding: 3px 10px; bord...


    | 作成日

    .height2{ } .sky{ background-color: #afeeee; } Congratulations on becoming a graduate student at OIST! The whole OIST community is looking forward ...

  • Relocation Information (Special Research Student)

    | 作成日

    /*全体*/ .click_box { margin: 2em 0;/*前後の余白*/ padding: 0; } /*ボタン装飾*/ .click_box label { padding: 15px; font-w...

  • Transportation

    | 作成日

    From Naha Airport to OIST Expenses should be on your own. (Transfer allowance will be provided to cover these expenses.) Ⅰ. Taxi from Naha airport...

  • 結サポーター募集中

    | 作成日

      沖縄科学技術大学院大学 (OIST) では、 本学学生の学生生活を支援する結サポーター (学生チューター...

  • Research Intern at OIST

    | 作成日

    1. OIST Graduate University Policies, Rules & Procedures (5.6.2. Research Interns )     Special Student Policies(2 Research Intern...

  • Incoming Student Survey PhD

    | 作成日

    Congratulations on becoming a graduate student at OIST! Faculty, staff and your fellow students look forward to welcoming you in Okinawa. Pleas...

  • Campus Maps

    | 作成日

    Campus Map Residential Area Map >"Location"   ...

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