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*This is not a general audience TSVP Talk* Discussion seminar, 2pm in L5EF06 Speaker: Nikita Nikolaev Title: Borel Summability of WKB Solutions for...
Visitor seminar hosted by Quantum Gravity Unit Speaker: Slava Didenko, Lebedev Physical Institute Title: Locality, unconstrained vertices and hi...
Geometric PDE and Applied Analysis Seminar (October 20, 2023) Title: Wick rotating the heat kernel Speaker: Dr. Rudrajit Ba...
Strengths, Managing Conflict and Effective Communication in Research Teams/Groups Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Graduate Students (ICOG...
Title International Symposium: Past, Present, and Future of the Marine Environment and Ecosystems Registration (On-site participation only) Please ...
Outreach by Ravasi Unit ...
Speaker: Dr. Michelle Leger, Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF) [Link] Title: Why we should study protists: what the understudie...
Consultations about - Car insurance - Travel insurance are available. To provide efficient and stable service while ...