• Neural Computation Unit Research in the News

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    Researchers from the Neural Computation Unit at OIST have used the latest optical neural imaging technology to isolate and record the activity of the ...

  • Bioinspired Soft Matter Unit Research in the News

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    Taking inspiration from the biological building methods used in cells and the extracellular membrane, the Bioinspired Soft Matter Unit, led by Prof. Z...

  • OIST Starts A Column Series! (Asahi Shimbun GLOBE+)

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    We proudly announce that OIST has just kicked off a monthly column series on Asahi Shimbun GLOBE+. Our Sceince Communicators wi...

  • Biodiversity & Biocomplexity Unit Research on Okinawa's Soundscape in the News

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    Using remote acoustic monitoring to track bird activity on Okinawa for the first time, scientists from OIST's Biodiversity & Biocomplexity Unit ex...

  • What Makes a Jellyfish?

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    Scientists in the OIST Marine Genomics Unit have uncovered some surprising history hidden in the genes of two species of jellyfish. The new study, pub...

  • Following evolutions wayward path

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    The latest OIST column in the Asahi Shimbun GLOBE+ is out now! The article is in Japanese, but the original English translation is given below. Fol...

  • Visit by the Association of Kyushu Region Governors

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    On June 8, 2012, members of the Association of Governors of Kyushu Region visited OIST and met with Dr. Dorfan. The group included the governors...

  • OIST on NHK World News

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    Professor Tsumori Shintake (Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit) was featured on Japanese international news broadcast NHK World on November 6, 2012. ...

  • World's Largest Neuronal Network Modeling

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    A latest posting on Science News, a Web-based science video channel operated by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), features the world's la...

  • Neurobiology Research Featured on Web

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    A recent publication by the Neurobiology Research Unit has been featured on a couple of websites.  Please see below: Medical Express News Medical...