• 本永 浩之

    | 作成日

  • Hiroyuki Motonaga

    | 作成日

  • 御手洗 哲司

    カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校を経てOIST着任 The primary objective of Professor Mitarai’s research is to understand the...

  • Satoshi Mitarai

    The primary objective of Professor Mitarai’s research is to understand the role of ocean turbulence in regulating biological processes and its conse...

  • Mariko Hasegawa

    | 作成日

    Mariko Hasegawa is a zoologist and anthropologist who studies behavioral ecology, evolutionary psychology, and physical anthropology.  Hasegawa s...

  • 長谷川 眞理子

    | 作成日

    動物学者・⽂化⼈類学者の⻑⾕川博⼠は、⾏動⽣態学、進化⼼理学及び⾝体⼈類学の研究者です。 2023年まで総...

  • 成田 信治

    | 作成日


  • Shinji Narita

    | 作成日

    Shinji Narita has more than 25 years of experience working in human resources at foreign companies in Japan. He has been engaged in many HR-related pr...

  • Satoshi Kaneshima

    | 作成日

    Ample experience of administration of public organization, public money Worked on the preparatory stage of OIST under Uehara-san Good connectio...

  • 兼島 規

    | 作成日

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