• Welcome New Students

    Fourth Class of PhD Students | 第4期生入学...

  • Welcome New Students

    Fourth Class of PhD Students | 第4期生入学...

  • Reiko Toriumi

    | 作成日

  • 鳥海 玲子

    | 作成日

  • 海洋物理・工学ユニット

    | 作成日

    海洋物理・工学ユニット The Marine Physics and Engineering Unit explores the physical modeling and prediction of ocean dynamics, such as ...

  • Marine Physics and Engineering Unit

    | 作成日

    The Marine Physics and Engineering Unit explores the physical modeling and prediction of ocean dynamics, such as wind waves, currents, circulation...

  • Amin Chabchoub

    | 作成日

    Associate Professor and PI of the Marine Physics and Engineering Unit. Amin CHABCHOUB received his PhD from Hamburg University of Technology and holds...

  • New Students Welcome Ceremony

    Welcome ceremony for the new students of 2018 | 7th Graduate Class | 第七期生入学式典...

  • New Students Welcome Ceremony

    Welcome ceremony for the new students of 2018 | 7th Graduate Class | 第七期生入学式典...

  • Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport

    | 作成日

    The unit of Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport reveals dynamical and transport phenomena in various forms of quantum matter, from quantum and t...