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Pre-Toddlers 1 - 2 Years Old Welcome to Kanasan, Churasan, and Umusan Classes! In these class, your child will make many friends. We plan to...
Infants 2 - 18 Months Welcome to Kukuru and Akasan Class! In this class, your baby is welcomed into our warm, nurturing, and supportive...
年齢別プログラム情報 インファント 月齢 2-18ヵ月対象 プリトドラー 1-2歳児対象 ト...
アクセス 所在地 〒904-0495 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村谷茶1919-1 学校法人沖縄科学技術大学院大学学園内 .mapouter{positi...
開園時間 開園時間: 月曜日~金曜日 8:00-18:00 (日本の祝日、 OIST の休日、職員研修日を除く ) *健康と安...
施設・園舎 CDC施設および周辺環境 正面入口 アクティビティルーム 第二園舎 &...
Garbage rules Shaken Converting driver's license What to do with the pension when leaving Japan How to fill out the inhabitant tax declara...
Shop Online Have you ever wished you could save the time and the energy that you spend for grocery shopping? - Wanting to avoid driving to a shop, wa...
Page contents What is Miso bean paste? Classifications of miso How miso is made Tips for choosing miso you want Recipes ...
Japanese Nutritional Information Vocabulary Chart The following information is listed on the "nutritional information chart" or "nutritio...