• Lauren Sallan

    | 作成日

    I am a fish paleobiologist who uses big data — the fossil record — to study how some species win and others lose. The living can't tell us; th...

  • Machine Learning and Data Science Unit

    | 作成日

    In the machine learning and data science (MLDS) unit, we focus on developing fundamental machine learning algorithms and solving important scientific ...

  • Machine Learning and Data Science Unit

    | 作成日

    In machine learning and data science unit, we focus on developing fundamental machine learning algorithms and solving important scientific problems us...

  • Makoto Yamada

    | 作成日

    Makoto Yamada received the PhD degree in statistical science from The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI, The Institute of Statistical...

  • 山田 誠

    | 作成日

    Makoto Yamada received the PhD degree in statistical science from The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI, The Institute of Statistical...

  • 量子情報科学・技術ユニット

    | 作成日

    量子情報科学・技術とは、量子力学と情報理論という2つの分野の融合によって生まれてきました。 この新し...

  • Quantum Information Science and Technology Unit

    | 作成日

    Introduction The 1920's saw the development of quantum theory to explain distinctly non-classical (non-Newtonian) physical phenomena. Since then, e...

  • 根本 香絵

    | 作成日


  • Kae Nemoto

    | 作成日

    Kae Nemoto is a professor at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology and the Director of the OIST Center for Quantum Technologies. She is also a p...

  • ヒョードル・コンドラショヴ

    | 作成日

    Fyodor started his research career in the year 2000 in the lab of Eugene Koonin at NCBI, NIH after his BA degree. The main focus of his research was e...

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