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本研究のポイント: 造礁サンゴの「ウスエダミドリイシ」の細胞をシャーレで育てることに成功。 サンゴ幼...
Highlights Researchers have successfully grown cells from the stony coral, Acropora tenuis, in petri dishes The cell lines were created by separat...
本研究のポイント: 造礁サンゴの「ウスエダミドリイシ」の細胞をシャーレで育てることに成功。 サン...
Highlights Excitons are excited particles that form when negatively charged electrons bind to positively charged holes Researchers have now used c...
本研究のポイント: 励起子とは、負の電荷を帯びた電子が正の電荷を帯びた正孔と結合してできる励起粒...
Dr. Hiroaki Kitano, adjunct Professor at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, has been named as a fellow of the Associ...