• FY2022 Annual Report

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    Marine Eco-Evo-Devo Unit Professor Vincent Laudet   Abstract The Marine Eco-Evo-Devo Unit uses coral reef fishes as model syst...

  • Annual Reports

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    Here are annual reports of our research unit.  FY2022 FY2023 ...

  • FY2022 Annual Report

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    Geometric Partial Differential Equations Unit Associate Professor Qing Liu Abstract Our research centers on investigating the well-posedness and ge...

  • FY2022 Annual Report

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      Integrative Community Ecology Unit Assistant Professor David Armitage From L to R: Su'ad, Shizuka, Aurika, Ethan, Alex, Chii, Dave, N...

  • FY2022

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    Biological Systems Unit Professor Igor Goryanin   Abstract Over the past few years, the Biological Systems Unit has been dedic...

  • Visit of BOC member

    OIST Board of Counselors member (11 people) will be visiting the station Ravasi unit will be hosting the group. ...

  • Individual Development Plan (IDP) - ***Mandatory for Class 2023***

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    **This event has been canceled.**   The Professional Career Development program of the OIST Graduate School will work with all new students to ...

  • Berta Hudak

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    .detailEmail { padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; } .detailEmail:before { content: "Email: "; } .detailEmail:after { content: "\40oist.jp"; } ...

  • FY2022 Anual Report

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    Neuronal Mechanism for Critical Period Unit Associate Professor Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama   Abstract Songbirds learn to sing vocalize intensively ...

  • Seminar: Cichlid fishes as a model for evolution of altruism in vertebrates

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    Seminar by Evolutionary Genomics Unit: Cichlid fishes as a model for evolution of altruism in vertebrates By Dr. Shun Satoh from Kyoto University.&nb...