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Transportation schedule Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel: Check-in time 14:00/Check-out time: 11:00 The timetable is subject to change if any unforeseen chan...
The speaker: Prof. Andrew Lobb (Durham University) Title: A beginner's introduction to basic Algebraic Topology Abstract: We shall g...
Discovery of Goldene: A Single-Atom Layer of Gold The quest to create monolayer gold has hitherto been limited to a few atomic l...
ciao Validation Scaling ...
In attendance: Official Clubs, External Teachers Classes, Flea Market - Contact Person is Josefine Reuschenbach *Please...
Imaging technologies have become an extension of our senses and memory, therefore a versatile scientific tool, extending and shaping how we under...
Class Information Time- 2-hour class from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost- ¥2000 per person includes cl...
Class Information Time- 2-hour class from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Cost- ¥2,000 per person includes clay, tools, glazes...
Weekly Adult Art Classes by Elizabeth Firmage, Rachel Vella, and Christy Brown Learn different ty...
ACTIVITIES FAIR and Flea Market Friday, September 27th !!The deadline for applying to set up a table or performance is Friday,...