• サイエンスプロジェクト for 琉球ガールズ

    | 作成日

     3月25~26日の2日間にわたって開催されたワークショップ「サイエンスプロジェクト for 琉球ガールズ」(主催...

  • Science Project for Ryukyu Girls

    | 作成日

    A dedicated group of thirty students, all female and from Okinawa high schools, participated in a two-day workshop on March 25-26 that aimed to foster...

  • サイエンスプロジェクト for 琉球ガールズ

    | 作成日

     3月25~26日の2日間にわたって開催されたワークショップ「サイエンスプロジェクト for 琉球ガールズ」(主催...

  • Science Project for Ryukyu Girls

    | 作成日

    A dedicated group of thirty students, all female and from Okinawa high schools, participated in a two-day workshop on March 25-26 that aimed to foster...

  • Dancing on Ice

    While drinking your favourite cold drink, you probably do not imagine what is going on inside each ice cube.  At the Okinawa Institute of Science...

  • 氷中で「踊る」陽子の秘密

    | 作成日


  • Igniting Innovation to Improve Society

    In a world that is constantly changing and where new technology is continually emerging, universities are re-thinking their role in innovation and soc...

  • より良い社会の実現に向けてイノベーションを加速せよ!


  • 健康長寿の秘密を科学的に解明


  • Scientific Secrets for Successful Aging?

    Metabolites – substances that are created during metabolism – can provide a wealth of information about individual health, disease, diet, and life...