• Symposium Description

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    March 7-8, 2024 C-Hub’s Annual Symposium brings together bold ideas and innovative thinkers to explore themes that enhance our ability to engende...

  • Halloween Donation Drive for HelpOki

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    Please help us collect Halloween candy for the less fortunate children in Okinawa. This candy will be used to make gift bags to hand out to children a...

  • Seminar by Dr. Lemziakov Sergei "Experimental Realization of Qubit Thermometry"

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    Dr. Lemziakov Sergei, PICO Group, QFT Center of Excellence, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University Finland   Abstract: Circuit q...

  • Unit members - new interns

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    4 October 2022 We have two new interns joining the networked quantum devices unit: Behrad Ahmadpour and Javier Pagán. Behrad will work on ...

  • Seminar by Dr. Noriko Okamoto, Hakai Institute

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    Beaches account for 2/3 of the marine coastline of the world. Despite the ubiquity and proximity to human activities, the sandy beach is less studied ...

  • Zumba toning classes by Chika Price

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    Zumba Toning is Created by Beto Perez who is an American fitness instructor from Colombia and this was born in the United States in 2001.Using light...

  • Fundamentals of Evolution

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    From the diversification of lineages over billions of years, to the rise of modern humans, to ongoing global pandemics, evolution underpins our unders...

  • Others

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    Rotation Students Chenming Zhen (2023 Sep-Dec) I studied Applied Mathematics and Aerospace Engineering during my undergraduate studie...

  • Abstract Accepted for Conference!

    Rai Sato Rai's submitted abstract was accepted for a conference. He will be attending and giving a presentation at the 24th International Congress on...

  • My Octopus (and Cuttlefish and Squid) Teachers: Interning in the Computational Neuroethology Unit at OIST

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    A pelagic squid raises its arms toward the camera. Photo by Keishu Asada.   Squid were my biggest fear growing up, and I can pinpoint t...