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On July 10, 2010, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Promotion Corporation (OIST) and Okinawa People’s Council for the Promotion of OIST&nb...
動画を見る OISTのヘルミナ・ネドレスク(Hermina Nedelescu)研究員は、成体小脳内のプルキンエ細胞が...
(From left) OIST President-elect Dr. Jonathan Dorfan and the participants of the first meeting in March 2011. OIST is growing fast, and every mont...
(左から)糸満港に停泊中の図南丸に乗船する 御手洗博士、中村研究員、ヴィンセン...
強烈な勢力の台風9号「ムイファ」は、40時間もの長い間、沖縄に激しい雨と強風をもたらしました。 8月6日...
A summary of research activities of the OIST Research Units and operations of the Administration which supports the research units in Fiscal Year...