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Imaging technologies have become an extension of our senses and memory, therefore a versatile scientific tool, extending and shaping how we under...
Class Information Time- 2-hour class from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost- ¥2000 per person includes cl...
Class Information Time- 2-hour class from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Cost- ¥2,000 per person includes clay, tools, glazes...
Weekly Adult Art Classes by Elizabeth Firmage, Rachel Vella, and Christy Brown Learn differ...
Welcome to Dr Krishna Jadeja who joins the unit for a postdoc on cold atoms. Krishna completed her PhD on cold atoms in UCL, England and then em...
Welcome to Jesus Gabriel Riestra, a BSc graduate from Universidad de Monterray, Mexico, who starts his PhD with a research rotation in the LMI-QT...
We welcome two visiting research students, Lin Shi and Kailin Zheng, from Dalian University of Technology to our unit for the next three months. ...
The purpose is to share OIST updates and have an open discussion with the OIST community. I also hope to emphasize and promote the opportunity for you...
Official webpage is published! Please click here for more information. ...