• ARのアリ


  • Ants in Augmented Reality

    OIST scientists have created a new way to experience research with the augmented reality app, Insects3D. The app pairs with a taxonomic research paper...

  • ARのアリ


  • Bees Save Coral

    How can humble honeybees help protect Okinawa's precious coral reefs? ...

  • ミツバチがサンゴ礁を救う?

    沖縄のサンゴ礁保全をミツバチがお手伝い。どうやって?   ...

  • 細菌のべん毛フック


  • The bacterial flagellar hook

    This 3D reconstruction of the bacterial flagellar hook was created using cryogenic electron microscopy coupled with high performance computing. Cre...

  • Wave Energy Converter Install in Okinawa

    Developed by the OIST Wave Energy Project, the Wave Energy Converter transforms wave power into reliable electricity. ...

  • Wave Energy Converter Install in Okinawa

    | 作成日

    Developed by the OIST Wave Energy Project, the Wave Energy Converter transforms wave power into reliable electricity. ...

  • 沖縄に設置された波力発電機

    | 作成日

    OIST波力発電プロジェクトが開発した波力発電機が、波の力を安定した電力に変えます。 ...