• Fireside Chat with "Hardy" Kagimoto

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    Technology Development & Innovation Center is excited to host a fireside chat with Dr. Tadahisa "Hardy" Kagimoto, CEO of Healios. Dr. Kagimoto is ...

  • FY2020 Annual Report

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    Shocks, Solitons and Turbulence Unit Associate Professor Emile Touber Unit "Zoom" meeting in October 2020. Abstract The Shocks, Sol...

  • FY2020 Annual Report

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    p { max-width: 850px; } .theme { padding-top: 3em; } .long_par { text-indent: 3em; } h3...

  • Introduction to Supersymmetry and String Theory course

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    Time: Mondays, 13.00-14.30 Location: L4E25c Instructor: Mirian Tsulaia   WEEKLY CONTENT PART 1.  1. Introduction. Dual ...

  • Analysis on Metric Spaces

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    Originally scheduled for May 2021, this workshop has been rescheduled to May 2022 due to the situation with COVID-19. The new dates are May 23 - 27, 2...

  • FY2020 Annual Report

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    Evolutionary Genomics Unit Assistant Professor Thomas Bourguignon Back row, left to right: Nobuaki Mizumoto, Menglin Wang, Yukihi...

  • FY2020 Annual Report

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    Organic Optoelectronics Unit Assistant Professor Ryota Kabe Abstract FY2020 is practically the first year of our unit because LAB4 started in Apr...

  • FY2020

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    Cell Signal Unit Tadashi Yamamoto (OIST Graduation Ceremony 2021.05.21) Abstract The Cell Signal Unit studies molecular and cellula...

  • Food Vendors

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    Bento Vendor Timetable ...

  • FY2021 Annual Report

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    Qubits and Spacetime Unit Assistant Professor Philipp Höhn Abstract In the second year of the unit, the Japanese borders finally opened for postdo...