• OIST Meets the Press

    OIST executives and researchers travelled to Tokyo on 3 July to present the current state of the university to the Japanese mainland media. The press ...

  • 記者懇談会を開催


  • OIST Meets the Press

    OIST executives and researchers travelled to Tokyo on 3 July to present the current state of the university to the Japanese mainland media. The press ...

  • “近代的、楕円形、調和 …”

    | 作成日

    完成間近の講堂と駐車場 講堂の内装は3月に完成予定  現在建設中の新しい講堂をOISTキャンパス...

  • “Modern, Oval, Harmonious…”

    | 作成日

    The almost complete auditorium and car park The auditorium interior to be complete by March  Are some of the words Yasuaki Hida...

  • OISTの特筆すべき一週間

    | 作成日

    BOG・BOC合同会合におけるOIST教員による研究概要発表  野田仁実首相夫人を出迎えるOISTジョナサン・ド...

  • A Big Week

    | 作成日

    BOG/BOC Science Vignette  President Jonathan Dorfan and Mrs. Renee Dorfan greet First Lady of Japan Hitomi Noda. The First Ladies of...

  • OISTの特筆すべき一週間

    | 作成日

    BOG・BOC合同会合におけるOIST教員による研究概要発表  野田仁実首相夫人を出迎えるOISTジョナサン・ド...

  • A Big Week

    | 作成日

    BOG/BOC Science Vignette  President Jonathan Dorfan and Mrs. Renee Dorfan greet First Lady of Japan Hitomi Noda. The First Ladies of...

  • OIST and Okinawa National College of Technology sign cooperation agreement

    | 作成日

      ONCT Student Shunichiro Kaneshiro   On May 22, OIST President Jonathan Dorfan and Okinawa National College of Technology ...