• Publications

    | 作成日

    2023 Bado, P., de Costa, R., Bernardes, C., Tripp G., Mattos, P., Furukawa, E. (2023). Needs assessment for behavioral parent training fo...

  • メンバー

    | 作成日

    Gail Tripp, Professor, トリップ・ゲイル 教授   古川絵美 グループリーダー Emi Furukawa, PhD, Grou...

  • Publications

    | 作成日

    List of Publications Preprints Han D, Doya K, Li D, Tani J (2024). Synergizing habits and goals with variational Bayes. PsyArXiv, 10.31234/osf.io/v6...

  • 政井一郎

    | 作成日

      教授  Bsc, Msc, PhD (University of Tokyo) 国籍 日本 学歴 1988    東京大学 理学部 物理学科卒業...

  • Research

    | 作成日

    Research in the Biological Physics Theory Unit is organized to seek deep understanding of animal behavior through a combination of quantitati...

  • Greg J Stephens

    | 作成日

      Associate Professor (Adjunct) BSc (Physics with High Honors, Ohio University), MSc (Physics, Syracuse University), PhD (Physics, University of...

  • Lab Photos

    | 作成日

    March 2024 Left to right: Back: Dr. Iain Hepburn, Dr. Gabriela Cirtala, Juliana Silva de Deus, Prof. Erik De Schutter,  Dr. Jules Lallouette, ...

  • FY2012 Annual Report

    | 作成日

    Immune Signal Unit Assistant Professor Hiroki Ishikawa Abstract Immune signal unit is interested in the molecular mechanism underlying how a...

  • Course Design

    | 作成日

    A project-oriented course designed to teach computational neuroscience based on the STEPS, NEURON, Brian, NEST and Python software packages. Lect...

  • Privacy Policy

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    As an institution dealing with a variety of personal information such as information of students (including applicants), alumni, employees, donors, ev...