• Program & Abstracts / OCNC2015

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    OCNC2015 Program *All the lectures take place in the Seminar Room, OIST Seaside House unless otherwise indicated. *Tutorials are optional sessions. ...

  • FY2014 Annual Report

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    G0 Cell Unit Professor Mitsuhiro Yanagida Abstract The G0 Cell Unit studies how cells in the proliferative (dividing) or quiescent (non-dividing...

  • メンバー

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    Chemistry and Chemical Bioengineering Unit (Tanaka Unit) 生体制御分子創製化学 教授:田中 富士枝 Dr. Bethi, Venkati: ポス...

  • Sponsors

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        The School is co-funded by International Exchange Program of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology....

  • Seminar 'Machine learning and comparative methods in the study of HIV and human evolution' by Dr. Katarzyna Bozek

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    Date/Time:  Th 26 Feb 2015   15:00-16:00 Venue:         Meeting Room C016, level C, lab 1 Spe...

  • Laboratory Experience

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    Students will be placed in a laboratory appropriate to their specific needs in terms of language and location.  They will participate in lab...

  • Essential Japanese for Foreign Researchers

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    Research students from countries other than Japan may have limited ability in the Japanese language.  While the teaching and research language us...

  • English for Science and Technology

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    Academic technical English is a specialized area with particular requirements for clarity in the communication of difficult concepts. Research student...

  • Professional Development II

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    This course will comprise a series of seminars and workshops designed to prepare OIST graduates to function effectively and responsibly in their scien...

  • Professional Development I

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    This course aims to develop knowledge and skills important for leadership in scientific research and education. The three main components of the cours...