• Fujin

    ciao   Validation Scaling ...

  • Activities Fair and Flea Market

    | 作成日

    In attendance: Official Clubs, External Teachers Classes,  Flea Market - Contact Person is Josefine Reuschenbach *Please...

  • "BRIDGE Network Presents: HUMAN – MODEL – WORLD: A Collection of Scientific Images"

    | 作成日

    Imaging technologies have become an extension of our senses and memory, therefore a versatile scientific tool, extending and shaping how we under...

  • Handbuilt Clay Ceramics Class for Adult

    | 作成日

           Class Information Time- 2-hour class from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm  Cost- ¥2000 per person includes cl...

  • Handbuilt Clay Ceramics Class for Children

    | 作成日

         ​   Class Information Time- 2-hour class from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Cost- ¥2,000 per person includes clay, to...

  • Art on Saturdays

    | 作成日

    Weekly Adult Art Classes by Elizabeth Firmage, Rachel Vella, and Christy Brown Learn different types of art each Saturday, or register for a single...

  • Science and Technology Group

    | 作成日

    サイエンス・テクノロジーグループ(STG)とは サイエンス・テクノロジーグループ(STG)は、研究ユニットの...

  • Science and Technology Group

    | 作成日

    What is the Science and Technology Group The Science and Technology Group (STG) is a home-base for scientific, engineering and technical talent that ...

  • Application for Activities Fair and Flea Market

    | 作成日

    ACTIVITIES FAIR and Flea Market  Friday, September 27th !!The deadline for applying to set up a table or performance is Friday,...

  • 02 September: Dr Krisha Jadeja joins the LMI-QT Unit

    Welcome to Dr Krishna Jadeja who joins the unit for a postdoc on cold atoms.  Krishna completed her PhD on cold atoms in UCL, England and then em...