• What makes a healthy mind?

    Delve into the first episode of a six-part series on the innovative research conducted at the Global Bioconvergence Center of Innovation. DJ Nick Lusc...

  • 「健康な心」とは?


  • Laboratory Planner

    | 作成日

    OIST was founded by the Japanese government to contribute to science and technology worldwide, attract leading researchers from Japan and abroad to co...

  • ラボラトリープランナー

    | 作成日


  • Procurement Staff

    | 作成日

    The Procurement and Supplies Section is responsible for the procurement of goods and services such as research equipment, materials, and office suppli...

  • 調達セクションスタッフ

    | 作成日

    調達セクションは、研究機器、資材、事務用品等の物品やサービスの調達の他、 赴任者及び教職員の国内外へ...

  • Odawara Senior High School students visited OIST

    | 作成日

    Over two days, 316 students from Odawara Senior High School in Kanagawa Prefecture visited OIST. Nonno Hasegawa, an OIST Ph.D student from the Ar...

  • 神奈川県立小田原高等学校のOIST訪問

    | 作成日

    神奈川県立小田原高等学校の生徒316名が2日間にわたって、OISTを訪問しました。 アミテージユニット(統合群...