• 沖縄北部やんばると石垣島で新種のゾウムシを発見

    | 作成日

    手つかずの亜熱帯林が残る沖縄本島のやんばる国立公園と石垣島で新種のゾウムシが発見されました。 日本...

  • Japan’s subtropical forests home to a newly discovered beetle species

    | 作成日

    A new weevil species was discovered in Japan’s pristine subtropical forests on Ishigaki Island and Yanbaru National Park in Okinawa. Renowned for...

  • nvironmental Science and Informatics Section (OIST) staff member Jake Lewis is working on taxonomy and evolution of weevils

    Currently, he is using a wide variety of techniques like microscopy, dissections, DNA analysis, and X-ray microtomography to find and describe new spe...

  • Figure 3

    The shape of the second segment of the leg is evenly curved in Acicnemis postica (A and B), but wavy along the inner edge in the new species Acicnemis...

  • 図3

    脚の2番目の節の形状は、セグロカレキゾウムシ(Acicnemis postica)では均等に湾曲しているが(A・B)、新種のリ...

  • Figure 2

    Acicnemis ryukyuana (A) can be distinguished by the yellow bands on its shoulders and the colour of its hardened fore wings. The shape of its leg segm...

  • 図2

    (A)リュウキュウカレキゾウムシ(Acicnemis ryukyuana)は、両肩の黄色い縞と前翅の模様で見分けることができる...

  • Figure 1

    A) Acicnemis ryukyuana, B) Acicnemis postica, C) Acicnemis azumai, D) Acicnemis exilis, E) Acicnemis maculaalba, and F) Acicnemis kiotoensis. ...

  • 図1

    A)リュウキュウカレキゾウムシ(Acicnemis ryukyuana)、B)セグロカレキゾウムシ(Acicnemis postica)、 C)アズマカ...