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Speaker: Prof. Sir John Ball Title: Image comparison and scaling via nonlinear elasticity Abstract: A nonlinear elasticity model for comp...
Japan Ocean day special Screening of "Walking with Dinosaur ~ Sea Monster~" Our ancestors emerged from the sea. In this event, we will delve into th...
恩納村×OIST こどもかがく教室 オープンクラス おしらせ 台風の際のクラス実施につきましては、このウェ...
Speaker: Prof. Ugur G. Abdulla, Analysys and Partial Differential Equations Unit, OIST Title: The Wiener Criterion at ∞ for the Ellipt...
今後の流れ 8月14日 (月) 離島在住の参加者:個別で連絡いたします 本島在住の参加者:自宅からOI...
Are you interested in making your presentations more memorable? Would you like to participate in a global event and gi...
12th – 17th June 2023 Okinawa, Japan Summer graduate school will provide six days of concentrated study of topics in Analysis and Part...
Speaker 1: Mr. Haoyu Han, Ph. D. Student, Michigan State University Title: Alternately Optimized Graph Neural Networks Abstract: Graph Neu...
Daniel Hutto Minds: Maths, Models, and Metaphors Many of the most strongly held philosophical commitments are sponsored by a failure to give ...