• Keiko Kono

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    Assistant Professor at Membranology Unit. Keiko's research is focused on plasma membrane damage, cellular senescence, and organismal aging.  ...

  • David Armitage

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    I am an ecologist working at the interface of communities and ecosystems. After graduating from the University of Michigan, I earned a master’s degr...

  • デイヴィッド・アミテージ

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  • ダビド・エルコウス

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  • イミル・トゥベール

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    GEグローバル・リサーチ・センター(ミュンヘン)、インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンを経てOIST着任 ...

  • Erik De Schutter

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    Erik De Schutter was born in Antwerp, Belgium. He studied medicine and got his MD in 1984 at the University of Antwerp, where he subsequently speciali...

  • エリック・デシュッター

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    アントワープ大学を経てOIST着任 ...

  • Evan P. Economo

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    I am a biologist with broad interests in the ecology and evolution of biodiversity.  I was born in Montreal, Canada, and grew up North Carolina, ...

  • Tom Bourguignon

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  • トマ・ブーギニョン

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    北海道大学、シンガポール国立大学、シドニー大学を経て、OISTに着任 ...