• Developmental Neurobiology Unit

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    The Developmental Neurobiology Unit uses the zebrafish as a model system to study the mechanisms that control cell development and tissue building. OI...

  • 神経発生ユニット

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  • Quantum Machines Unit

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    The Quantum Machines Unit develops, both theoretically and experimentally, devices that bring disparate types of individual quantum sub-systems togeth...

  • 量子技術のための光・物質相互作用ユニット

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  • 細胞シグナルユニット

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  • 量子システム研究ユニット

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  • Marine Climate Change Unit

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    The Marine Climate Change Unit studies the mechanisms of acclimation and adaptation of marine organisms to the environment. We are particularly intere...

  • 細胞分裂動態ユニット

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  • Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit

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    We conduct R&Ds on the precession beam electron microscope for protein crystal, study for infection prevention of influenza and COVID by ethanol a...

  • 量子波光学顕微鏡ユニット

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