• Shaping the Future

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    While nanoparticles sound like a recent discovery, these tiny structures have been used for centuries. The famous Lycurgus cup, made by 4th century Ro...

  • 将来のカタチ

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  • To Buckle or Not to Buckle

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    Magnetic balls provide exciting avenues for exploring many fundamental phenomena in physics. They can be assembled by hand into chains and more comple...

  • 重力に屈するか否か

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  • 重力に屈するか否か

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  • To Buckle or Not to Buckle

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    Magnetic balls provide exciting avenues for exploring many fundamental phenomena in physics. They can be assembled by hand into chains and more comple...

  • 小惑星「イトカワ」の謎の解明-太陽系研究に大きな一歩

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     概要   沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)の研究員らは、米国ニュージャージー州ラトガース大学と共同で、...

  • Mechanism Underlying Size-Sorting of Rubble on Asteroid Itokawa Revealed

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    In 2005, the Hayabusa spacecraft developed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) landed on Itokawa, a small near-Earth asteroid named after...

  • Mechanism Underlying Size-Sorting of Rubble on Asteroid Itokawa Revealed

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    In 2005, the Hayabusa spacecraft developed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) landed on Itokawa, a small near-Earth asteroid named after...

  • 小惑星「イトカワ」の謎の解明-太陽系研究に大きな一歩

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     概要   沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)の研究員らは、米国ニュージャージー州ラトガース大学と共同で...

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