• Deciphering Fish Evolution

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    On Saturday, August 27, Jun Inoue, a researcher in the Marine Genomics Unit at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) ...

  • 魚の進化を考える

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      8 月 27 日(土)、OISTマリンゲノミックスユニットの井上潤研究員が魚類の系統とゲノムの進化研究について...

  • ロボットの手を借りて乗り越える研究の壁

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  • Lending a Robotic Hand

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    Reliable data are the cornerstones of science: on them it is possible to build the cathedral of knowledge. From this perspective, the preparation of s...

  • OIST Welcomes its 5th Graduate Class

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    The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) welcomed its 5th class of doctoral students on September 1, 2016. OIST prid...

  • OIST第五期生の入学

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  • OIST第五期生の入学

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  • OIST Welcomes its 5th Graduate Class

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    The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) welcomed its 5th class of doctoral students on September 1, 2016. OIST prid...

  • Summer School of Science 2016

    On August 22-26, the Onna/OIST Children’s School of Science took place at the Fureai Taiken Center in Onna Village. Smiling children, filled with cu...

  • こどもかがく教室2016


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