• 次世代型COナノセンサー


  • The Next Generation of Carbon Monoxide Nanosensors

    The detection of carbon monoxide (CO) in the air is a vital issue, as CO is a poisonous gas and an environmental pollutant. CO typically derives from ...

  • 次世代型COナノセンサー

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  • The Next Generation of Carbon Monoxide Nanosensors

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    The detection of carbon monoxide (CO) in the air is a vital issue, as CO is a poisonous gas and an environmental pollutant. CO typically derives from ...

  • 石垣焼に見る海

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     石垣焼窯元当主、金子晴彦氏による展示会「Ishigaki Blue」が5月18日より沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)で開催...

  • The Sea in a Ceramic Plate

    The exhibition Ishigaki Blue, by Master Haruhiko Kaneko, opened on May 18th on the campus of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate ...

  • The Sea in a Ceramic Plate

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    The exhibition Ishigaki Blue, by Master Haruhiko Kaneko, opened on May 18th on the campus of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate ...

  • 石垣焼に見る海

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     石垣焼窯元当主、金子晴彦氏による展示会「Ishigaki Blue」が5月18日より沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)で開催...

  • 細胞研究を後押しするペトリ皿の発明:その秘密は電流経路の工夫にあり?


  • Tampering with the Current in a Petri Dish

    Electricity plays a key role in cell studies, but practical issues linked with the shape of the laboratory cultureware have troubled this research. La...

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