• Science Challenge 2016

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    For one week, 29 undergraduate and graduate students from universities around Japan came together to learn more about science and explore life as a Ph...

  • サイエンスチャレンジ 2016

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  • スピン液体を探求する

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  • The Quest for Spin Liquids

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    Post-doctoral researchers, Karim Essafi, Owen Benton and Ludovic Jaubert in the Theory of Quantum Matter Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and ...

  • Innovation – Engine for Future Economic Growth

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    History has shown that science and technology have brought innovation and economic growth. In the forum on March 10, 2016 organized by the Okinawa Ins...

  • 経済成長の原動力 ― イノベーション

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  • The Quest for Spin Liquids

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    Post-doctoral researchers, Karim Essafi, Owen Benton and Ludovic Jaubert in the Theory of Quantum Matter Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and ...

  • スピン液体を探求する

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  • Innovation – Engine for Future Economic Growth

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    History has shown that science and technology have brought innovation and economic growth. In the forum on March 10, 2016 organized by the Okinawa Ins...

  • 経済成長の原動力 ― イノベーション

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