• グレッグ・スティーブンズ

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  • Hidetoshi Saze

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  • 政井 一郎

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    東京大学、ロンドン大学キングスカレッジ、理化学研究所を経てOIST着任 ...

  • Igor Goryanin

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    Prof Igor Goryanin has graduated as applied mathematician (computer science department) from Moscow Engineering Physical Institute. He has got his PhD...

  • イゴール・ゴリヤニン

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  • ジョナサン・ミラー

    | Created on

    ベイラー医科大学、プリンストン大学、NEC研究所、シカゴ大学、 AT&Tベル研究所を経てOIST着任 After discovering the ...

  • Jun Tani

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      Research Interests Jun Tani has been interested in a wide range of research topics, including developmental psychology, psychiatric disor...

  • 谷 淳

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  • 田中 和正

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  • Kenji Doya

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    I want to understand how we learn motor skill, make decisions, imagine the future, and communicate and collaborate with others. And understanding mean...