• 学際的イノベーター

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  • 国際的な賞を受賞した物理学者がOISTに着任

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  • うちなーんちゅの頭脳が見せた底力

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  • 新竹積教授が欧州物理学会2014年 Gersch Budker賞を受賞

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     この度、OIST量子波光学顕微鏡ユニットの新竹積教授が、欧州物理学会(European Physical Society: EPS)が 加速器分...

  • 細胞死抑制チーム


  • 細胞死抑制チーム

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  • Cell Suicide Prevention Squad

    Recent research has shown that the cells in our bodies teeter on the brink of death. They possess intricate molecular mechanisms that promote either s...

  • Cell Suicide Prevention Squad

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    Recent research has shown that the cells in our bodies teeter on the brink of death. They possess intricate molecular mechanisms that promote either s...

  • OISTのトップサイエンスに寄与するアリ類標本群「高嶺コレクション」

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  • Takamine Ants Collection Finds Home at OIST

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    Okinawa’s ant expert Mr. Hidetsune Takamine, who has been collecting ants in Okinawa for 40 years, donated his ant collection to OIST at a handover ...

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