• Sex Determination in Ants

    Yin and Yang, Venus and Mars, the Moon and the Sun, however you want to describe it, becoming a female or a male can make a big difference in your lif...

  • Sex Determination in Ants

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    Yin and Yang, Venus and Mars, the Moon and the Sun, however you want to describe it, becoming a female or a male can make a big difference in your lif...

  • アリの性別決定メカニズム

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  • 私たちの遠い祖先の謎が明らかに!― ギボシムシのゲノムから考察する新口動物の起源 ―

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  • 魚類ゲノム進化3億年の謎に迫る

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  • Mysteries of Bony Fish Genome Evolution

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    Mistakes Propelling Evolution As the 20th-century novelist Joseph Conrad famously wrote, “It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes, I...

  • Mysteries of Bony Fish Genome Evolution

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    Mistakes Propelling Evolution As the 20th-century novelist Joseph Conrad famously wrote, “It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes, I...

  • 魚類ゲノム進化3億年の謎に迫る

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  • Our Closest Wormy Cousins

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    A team from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) and its collaborators has sequenced the genomes of two species ...

  • Our Closest Wormy Cousins

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    A team from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) and its collaborators has sequenced the genomes of two species ...

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